Interior Exterior Comercial painting

Removing Wallpaper

How to remove ugly wallpaper without damaging the walls. there are several options depending on what kind and how is your wallpaper is  attached - glue to the wall. 

It takes a lot of patience and expertise on how to stripe the wallpaper without damaging the walls. 

The method that RED SKY PAINTING   use and recommend is a Natural  Solution Non- Toxic wallpaper removal. 


 A concentrated remover solution that is mixed with  water. The solution dissolves the adhesive wallpaper backing, making it easy to take off. Before starting, gather the right tools and do some basic preparations. 

Plastic sheets or drop cloths to cover floors, electric outlets covers down, then we apply a mix of the solution and hot water together. Usually we apply in a small section of the wall to find out how attached is the wallpaper and how to proceed with the removal. Sometimes the wallpaper doesn't come off easy, we let it soak into the mixture and re-apply several times.

Next, the wallpaper is stripping by hand. The backing will be left, and then is carefully scrape off with a broad knife.

As you take off the wallpaper, you may find more underneath. "No matter what the manufacturers tell you, you can only take down one at a time" without risking damage to the wall, if there is any damage underneath, we are ready to fix it and leave a smooth surface.

Once the wallpaper is completely removed, we spray the walls one last time and scrape off any missing spots, let it dry for a day or two and your walls  will be  ready for a fresh coat of paint.